Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starting Over Counting Down

I have not been running. Not at all.

After I got sick, couldn't run, I had bought new shoes, I had problems with my heel, my ankle, my hips & after trying several types of inserts for my new shoes I finally broke down on Monday & went to buy new ones. Running shoes are expensive! The first pair I bought were Saucony shoes. I liked them but figured probably all shoes were about the same & why pay more for Saucony when I can get some Adidas for cheaper & they felt fine to me in the store. I had so many problems that here I am, 4 weeks later, forking out another bundle of money for the high end Saucony shoes I should have just got in the first place.

The shoes would be a good excuse but that's not the reason I haven't ran. Mostly I've just been lazy. I admit it. It's been Christmas Holiday, I've been off of any type of normal schedule with my kids home. It's been really bad air quality outside which does make it harder to breathe but mostly I've just been lazy. The lazier I got the worse I felt. I missed all those happy endorphins & during the most stressful time of year when I probably needed the release the most... I did nothing. Well I shouldn't say nothing. I did eat. I ate a lot. I ate a lot of caramels, cheeseballs, stuffed mushrooms soaked in butter & any other imaginable delectable holiday food I could get my hands on. I ate so much crap I felt like crap. It's taken me a long time to finally feel "normal" again. You would think I would learn from past experiences but I just keep repeating the same cycle all over again.

With the New Year comes resolutions & my number one goal (despite snickers from my friends) is to run that marathon. I ran on Monday, well if you want to call it that. I ran 3/4 of a mile, walked 1/4, ran 1/4, walked 1 3/4, went home & felt like I might die. I can not run for 30 minutes straight. I am literally starting over.

I have 18 weeks left until the Ogden Marathon on May 15th. My training takes me 16 weeks. I need to be able to run 30 minutes in order to start (re-start) the training. I have given myself no time, I can not double up on any of the weeks. This is it. Do or die. I ran again today & it went a little better but I can not run for longer than 1 1/2 miles (15 minutes), I'm walking half of it right now.

I'm going to keep doing it. Tomorrow I run again. I'm not backing down, I will not give up. My body is too important to give up on. I'm turning up the volume on my iPod & pushing my body down the street. From now on it's just one foot in front of the other until I've reached 26.2 miles.