Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 62 of Training: 10 Minutes!!

Today I got up, didn't feel like moving so I kind of sat in my closet for about 20 minutes deciding if I really wanted to try to squeeze into that sports bra today. I finally did and just as I was on my way out the door my 2 year old, Anneliese, woke up. Considering how happy she was I knew there was no way she was going to go back to sleep.

I bundled her up and walked her out to the garage. I have one of those really awesome bike trailers that converts into a running stroller that costs more than my mountain bike did because it's so easy to use, so easy to convert, safe, etc... Well, I couldn't figure out how to detach it from my bike "with one easy to remove latch". So I ended up taking our regular, cheap, bought in an emergency at the WalMart by Disneyland stroller.

We finally get going. I decided I was going to walk 5 minutes & run/jog 10 minutes today & repeat it once. I start walking around my corner and up the street out of my neighborhood. I can't quite figure out exactly how to hold the stroller. I still wanted to move my arms so I tried to one hand it. It didn't last long. I couldn't control the stroller very well and Anneliese was heading to the middle of the street and then to the gutter, depending on which arm I was holding the stroller with. There was no way around it, I needed to use both hands.

My 5 minutes of walking is up and I'm jogging. It's a little bit harder because I have the extra weight of pushing the stroller. I'm going slightly uphill and I check my watch, only 2 minutes have passed. Hhhmmm... I think I'm doing pretty good. I don't think things could get much worse than the way I feel right now if I keep my pace. I start to take larger strides. I'm feeling pretty good until I take a step onto the back of the stroller and try to kill myself with this super stunt. I kind of do a... um... very graceful... spin to the ground. OUCH!! That's gonna leave a mark! I get up and scrape myself off. I remember my iPhone in my pouch and I'm grateful that I have it. It's just my normal clumsy self that will end me up in the hospital or stuck on one of these trails with no way to get home except to call for help. I smile as I take note of my smarts of always bringing my phone. Luckily, I'm just fine, no ambulance needed today. : )

I decide to keep my steps short to avoid tumbling over the top of my 2 year old. I've also slowed down a bit. I'm not going to win any races at the pace I'm going but I'm OK with that. I'm still moving toward my goal. I ran 10 minutes TWICE today. I'm pretty darn excited about that! On my way home I ran past a neighbor that was just starting her run. She's lean, she runs marathons, she WINS marathons or is always at least at the top of the list. She has a smile on her face. I remember that she just won the women's division of the Bair Gutsman. She's gorgeous and pretty amazing. We don't say anything but "Hi" as we pass. Neither of us wants to stop. I know I'll never be like her, I know I'll never be winning races. I'll probably always be in the middle (or more at the end). I'm fine with that. I'm more than fine with that. I'm just pretty ecstatic that I'm doing it!

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