Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 109 of Training: You are what you eat.

Last week was my "Week One" of the marathon training. The training is 16 weeks, the Marathon is on Saturday, May 15th. I know I'm starting ahead of schedule but I heard people say that sometimes they felt like they were barely able to get through some of the last weeks. I figure that this way I can repeat any of the weeks I feel like I didn't go well. I have 27 weeks so I could do almost all of the weeks twice.

This week I was supposed to run 3 miles Monday, 4 miles Wednesday, 3 miles Thursday & 5 miles Saturday. I did 3 on Monday. Wednesday came around and I couldn't make it over to the gym and it was storming outside so I stayed at home and decided to do 4 miles on my elliptical. OK, so the elliptical is way harder. I was slower at it. Running usually would have taken me 40 minutes to run but the elliptical took 80 minutes to do 4 miles! It seemed like I was on it forever!! I better have been burning a lot more calories. Although the hour & 20 minutes seems bad I should feel pretty good about this. When I first got the elliptical about a year ago I couldn't be on it for longer than 5 minutes. I remember when I hit 15 minutes and I thought that was awesome!

Thursday came around and I got in warm clothes to go outside and run. I warmed up, headed out the door and started running down the street. My nose and cheeks got so cold they were numb, I couldn't feel them. I ran right back in my house... I hadn't gone quite a mile. I decided to do the rest of it on my elliptical. Although I was trying to be faster than yesterday I really wasn't. I was so bored and frustrated I gave up after 1 mile. Only 2 miles today. Discouraging. I opened the Halloween candy I bought and before I knew what was happening I had eaten 4 of those little yummy snickers bars. I think that's like a whole candy bar... so much for working anything off for the day.

Friday was worse. I was up late with Hailey doing homework on Thursday night so I had canceled the session I had scheduled with my trainer at the gym on Friday morning. I was on the run all day helping with Halloween parties at schools, picking up and dropping off kids. We ate Chick-Fil-A for lunch and I got a kids meal with the greasy goodness of the chicken nuggets and waffle fries. Zach took me on a Halloween date. We ate Mexican food and I chose something that came beautifully wrapped in a flour tortilla that had been excellently fried. I drank around 5 large Cokes, my excuse was that I had to stay up late tonight for all the scary ghost stories. I brought with me a bag of Milky Way candies to share with our friends. Through the night I ate 5 of those "fun size snacks".

Saturday started out great. I was ready to eat better and to treat myself better. My kids had let us sleep in. (I know... miracle.) I left at about 9:00am to go run my 5 miles. It started off really rough. Why am I running again? I was hating every step, I felt like I couldn't breathe. My body couldn't handle it today. I pushed myself to keep going, I slowed down my pace to try and catch my breathe. Why can't I breathe? About half way through I felt like I finally had my rhythm but still couldn't get my breathing to be right. It's like I had half the lungs I had before. At about mile 3 I stopped running and had to walk the rest.

That's what happens when I put garbage in my body. When I feed myself crap my body feels it and acts like crap. The great part about running is that you can eat pretty much anything and be OK... pretty much... what I've learned you can't eat if you still want to perform are large amounts of sugar, any kind of soda pop... not even diet and nothing that's been deep fried. The good part though is that when I have a "bad eating day" I'm usually pretty good at turning it all around the next day and just say to myself... well that was nice, now back to real life. That's what I have to do this next week. Just say... well Halloween was nice, now back to real life. I'm re-doing "week one" starting tomorrow. If I want to ever get to do the marathon though I've really got to stop having so many "bad eating" days.

BTW... If I eat fruit, vegetables, whole grains & lean meat I can definitely tell a difference in the way I perform. Hhmmm... maybe because that's what my body really needs! Try it for 30 days and you'll for sure notice the difference when you have a "bad eating" day. Crazy to think I ate all that crap all the time before.

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