Monday, February 22, 2010

12 Weeks until the Marathon. 10K Training Race

Tuesday I finally decided to go to the Podiatrist again for my sprained ankle and plantar fasciitis. Inserts were adjusted, the bottom of my right foot and my left ankle got taped up. I was told that I shouldn't run for 2-3 weeks. I told him that I have a 10K race on Saturday that was all uphill and that it was part of training for a marathon in May. He told me I could do the elliptical or biking to keep up my cardio until Saturday to keep the pressure off my feet & ankle. Saturday I was told to take it slow, easy & to ice like crazy when I got home. He also taught me proper running stance for hills. I was relieved when he said I could still run.

6.2 Miles. Lots of hills. I don't know if I was more mentally prepared for it because of the 5K or maybe I was more physically prepared for it because I had added a couple of hills into my training runs but for some reason it actually felt a little (if only by a squeak) easier than the last one. The hills were longer but not quite as steep. They leveled out at the tops so you could catch your breathe. There was one hill at the end where I honestly thought I might die. My heart was pounding loudly, the muscles in my legs felt like they might seize, I started to feel faint and I was WALKING up this extremely steep hill that went as far as my eyes could see. I imagined myself rock climbing it grabbing at roots and branches to try to heave my body up this monstrosity of a mountain. I lived to tell about it and actually didn't do too terrible on my time. I finished in 1:10:50. That's an 11:24 minute mile which is actually faster than the 5k!!! YAY!! But um... maybe that means I didn't take it slow & easy like the Doc said. Whoops!

That was on Saturday. According to my training schedule I was supposed to run 8 miles on Saturday. The race was very taxing and the rest of my day was packed. I auditioned for a play, had lunch with my hubby & kids, had people over for dinner and when I woke up on Sunday morning my quads & behind hurt in a bad way. Whoa! I took Sunday off and "self medicated" with chocolate & Pepsi to make me "feel better". (Which it didn't, it just made me feel worse for being stupid.)

Today I woke up early & I was supposed to run 3 miles today. Well, I'm behind and technically I'm supposed to run 10 miles this Saturday so I didn't feel like I could skip the 8 mile run I was supposed to do. So I decided to do it today and skip the 3 mile day. I did it! I ran 8 miles!! Every time I run farther than the last I get amazed. "I just did that? I just RAN 8 miles?" Oh yes I did, and I'm very excited about it too! I went to my "VooDoo Doctor" today and he broke up some of the scar tissue in my feet & legs, I had some accu-puncture & adjusting and I'm feeling better. My ankle still feels a little weak but I think it's getting stronger. My foot still hurts but not nearly as bad as it did. Hopefully the next time I write, all of those things will be healed and in the past.

The next training race is in 3 weeks and it's a 10 miler. I hear that it starts out with the hills of the 10k and then moves into the steep unforgiving hills of the 5k. Everyone agrees that it's the hardest race of them all. The good news though is that if I can get past this next race... the marathon will seem like cake. At least that's what everyone says. : / I'll train hard over the next few weeks and I'm keeping the few hills that we have around here in my path to try to be ready. BTW Did you hear I just ran 8 miles today!?! hehehe

1 comment:

  1. Running hills will make your plantar fasciitis worse. It did to me!
    Don't give up. I am dealing with plantar fasciitis for more than a year now and I understood that treatment efficiency is very individual. If something works for one it may not work for the other. There are many treatment techniques that you can try. I have found taping very useful. There are a few Taping techniques you can find in YouTube - just type "Plantar Fasciitis Taping" in YouTube search. I also found a very informative website in:
    Take care & Good luck
