Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 9

I created my running playlist on my iPhone. It rocks! The ONLY problem is that, well... lets do a little history....

Growing up my family was very musical. We were always singing in the car at the top of our lungs, we were in the ward choir, we were always in the school choirs, we were in community theatre, My Mom, Sister & I sang together often in church and at other things. Singing seems like something natural that you do. Everyone should, right!?

K- SO... today I'm walking and one of my favorite songs comes on the playlist. I started mouthing the words but then the best part came on and I couldn't help it! I just started singing along while I'm walking. It was a whispered kind of singing... just note that I'm not fully belting out notes or anything... yet.

I'm walking down, in and around a dead end and there was no one there. The chorus of the song came on again and I know I was singing a little bit louder and what's worse... I kind of had my own choreography... going along with it. Just a little hip shaking and hand movement going on. Yeah... I felt pretty cool until I turned around and started walking back up the dead end and noticed that one of my neighbors had stepped outside. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he saw me. I just smiled huge and waved and kept walking. Hhhmmm.... I may be known as the "special girl" in our neighborhood from now on. Yep, I'm a dork. :)

New subject. I've been quickly walking 3 miles over the last week and today I decided to go ahead and try to run parts of it. Next week I'm supposed to do 5 minutes running, 5 minutes walking. Well... I started out walking and decided to give it a try. My original goal was to make it through one song on my playlist. About halfway through the song I thought I might die. I decided to do what my Facebook friend said and run as long as I can until I feel like I might die then walk until I catch my breathe. I'm going to do that until I can do five minutes and build up from there.

When I run, my body doesn't get tired, my muscles don't hurt but when I breathe... that's the part that I don't have control over, that's the part that burns, my lungs feel like they can't handle the amount of air that needs to come in and out. I don't know if that's normal or not. My body feels tense, which it probably should. My muscles are working hard but aren't super painful or anything. It's the breathing. Not sure how to help that get better.

The last 2 days I come home, cool down, stretch out and then a few minutes later I feel nauseated. I'm not sure why. I thought I needed more fluid but I'm drinking water before and a lot slowly after. I'm drinking between 60-90 ounces a day. I'm eating a little bit of protein when I get done too. I don't usually eat breakfast though until after I take a swim (to help stretch the muscles better). I thought maybe it was my blood sugar level or maybe I needed electrolytes so today I had a Gatorade after but I still got sick. If anyone has ideas I would really like to know them.

I know I'm naturally over-optimistic about things. I signed up for a 5K Race that takes place on August 22nd. I was pretty excited and was thinking that I might be able to run the whole thing by then, but, reality is starting to set in and I know I might end up walking a lot of it. That's OK though. It's my first race and I'm pretty excited about it. They allow people to walk the whole thing so I know I'll probably be in the middle somewhere. I've got walking down pat! hahaha

Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 6 (My 2nd week)

I started walking 3 miles today. It takes me about 45 minutes, but still, at least I'm working on it. I'm getting pretty impatient with my "training schedule" and want it to go faster but I know this part is important. I'm trying very hard to not rush it.

All together it was a pretty normal day today. I didn't get almost ran over by a car or attacked by killer insects or crazy ducks so that was good. I'm pretty excited about going the 3 miles. I can't remember that I've ever walked that far before. The first words out of my mouth to my Husband this morning were "I just walked three miles today!". He could tell I was excited and he's trying really hard to be supportive.

I went to Striders and bought some saucony running shoes and a belt thingy to put my iPhone into. It will be nice to listen to music while I run. I just need to find the time to create the right playlist now. I'm a Mom of 4 kids so it might be a while until I get my playlist done.

In my training schedule it says that I should be training 4 days a week. I want to do it everyday at least for sure while I'm just working up to running 30 minutes at a time. Is that bad to do it everyday? My muscles don't hurt anymore so that's not an issue and I thought it could just help while I'm building up my endurance and cardio stuff. Is there a reason during this part of it for resting inbetween?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 4 of Training Part 2

OK. I've had people ask about the grasshopper, duck & car. I thought I'd elaborate on the day I had yesterday.

Yesterday was Saturday so I slept in until 8:30am and didn't actually get out the door until around 9:00am. I started out with my normal stretching and warm up and eventually ended up walking very fast (for me) up the road. I turned a corner and started walking against traffic off to the side. I'm doing pretty good, there's a car coming, she starts to edge closer and closer and more off to my side. Then I can finally see her and she's texting or dialing or something on her cell. She doesn't even see me! I noticed this as her car is swerving my way and I kind of do this (extremely graceful) leap/run/dive off the side of the road. She looked up at the last second, corrected and just missed me. Whew!

Usually the mornings are very quiet. Things usually seem clean as if the dirt, heat and exhaust were somehow washed away by the night. Today is different, probably because of the time I started. I feel the heat from the sun now and it's much different. I'm sweating a bit more, there's a lot more noise outside, we live in a neighborhood that still has a few houses being built so there's a lot of noise as construction crews go about their work. I feel like I'm breathing too much of the dirt that's been mixed up into the air from all of cars and construction.

I turn onto the last street and I pass a lot of land that has overgrown weeds. The weeds are almost like bushes they're so huge and I think I hear something weird coming from them. Just as I look over this huge, vicious, tiger like... grasshopper attacks! It comes right at my face and my arms are flailing all over while I try to swat away my attacker! I almost trip and fall and I kind of do a couple of circles while my hands are frantically swishing anything in front of me. The mutated grasshopper disappears. I back carefully away from the weed bushes and start walking again.

I'm now by my friends house and she has a pet duck. ( I think his name is Crackers or Quackers... not sure.) Anyway... the duck crosses their fence and starts waddling along the side of me as I walk. It is SO cute and I kind of laugh a little to myself because he's so adorable. I remember my friend just recently telling me how he has started biting & nipping at people and can't really imagine that this cute little thing would bite anyone. Then it waddles (it's waddling faster than I'm waddling now) right behind me and starts making these really loud squawking noises while ruffling it's wings at me. The duck goes into a full waddling sprint and is right on my heels! It's kind of goin' all freaky on me now! I panicked and picked up my pace. I keep glancing over my shoulder as I try to skip a couple steps ahead of the duck and it's gaining on me! Just then a dog barks and catches the ducks attention and it immediately turns and runs/waddles towards that noise.

I'm so glad nobody follows me around with a camera. Just walking, breathing & not falling are hard enough without all the spastic diving away from cars, swatting away mutant insects and ninja ducks. I think I'll try to stick with the earlier times. There's a lot less commotion at 6:00am.

Day 4 of Training

I hate it when I try to do something and then someone says... "No, no, no... You're doing it all wrong!". The upside to it though is that you always learn something and you can either follow it or do whatever the heck you want to anyway!

That's what happened to me last night. My Mom let me borrow a book called "Non-Runners Guide to Running a Marathon" and I was excited about it, I skimmed through the first few pages of it and noticed a chart. The chart started out at running 3 miles your first day. Well... I closed the book and thought... I guess I need to build up to running 3 miles a day. Hhhmmm... I had ideas, suggestions and I started.

Well, I decided to actually read the book last night (the first few chapters anyway) and it's almost as if a voice came down from the Heavens striking me with knowledge and inspiration! Holy Crow! It tells me how to build up to 3 miles a day! I'm counting this week (although there were some meager attempts at running) as walking fast for one week for 30 minutes. Next week I'll do walking fast for 45 minutes and the week after that I start alternating running for 5 minutes then walking for 5 minutes.

There are definitely some things I've learned over the last few days.

1. I need new shoes and the general consensus is that Strider's in Layton is the best place for them.

2. Never skim through a book. Always read at least the first 3 chapters before closing it up.

3. Stay a safe distance away from wild looking bushes, especially when you hear odd noises coming from it. (I got attacked by some fierce, flying grasshopper! I almost tripped and fell trying to swat it away.)

4. It's better to be able to see the traffic coming at you. I almost got hit today by a lady that was texting or dialing while driving. I thought it was good that I could jump out of her way. Whew!

5. You can't do this while sucking in your stomach, trying to breathe and smiling all at the same time. It just doesn't work.

6. Ducks can waddle pretty darn fast! No lie! My neighbor across the street has a pet duck and while I was walking past today it flew over her fence and started chasing me down the street! I had all these images of her recent tales of how the duck must be in heat or something and how it has started attacking people by nipping at their legs and feet! I thought I was walking pretty fast but Crackers (that's the ducks name) was right at my heels. That duck can waddle as fast as my "fast walk". Now that's just sad.

My main goal for next week... I'm going to be faster than the duck!

Day 3 of Training


OK.. so the pain finally hit at about 5:00pm last night. I was doing dishes when it suddenly occurred to me that I couldn't lift my legs properly without pain. I'm not invincible after all! I was starting to think this would be a piece of cake. I took 2 Epsom salt baths & kept rubbing down my legs trying to make it feel better. I could just imagine if I felt like this today... what would I feel like in the morning?

I was venting my frustration to my Husband. The dilemma was that I knew that I should take a day of rest but.. I know from past experience that if I take one day it could very likely turn into 2 days or 3 and then I just stop. I didn't think I could just run through with the pain and stiffness in my legs though. He finally came up with the alternative of walking the whole thing today. I'm still doing the miles but still taking a rest. That seemed like a good compromise to me.

I have a few friends on Facebook that are planning on running the Wasatch Back Relay Race with me and everyone is being so supportive with comments and encouragement. I feel like I have my own little cheer squad off to the side trying to push me along.

Day 3:
I stretch out and start walking. I feel my muscles aching with each step I take. This will be good, right!? Maybe it will stretch them out and relieve some of the stiffness. I turn my 2nd corner and decide to start walking faster. I get about half way through with my "course" and run into one of my neighbors and Facebook friends that's running the whole time and asks if she can walk with me for her cool down. She calls this a cool down? I thought I was walking fast! She offers great support and encouragement. She's talking, I'm breathing. She asks a question and I'm trying really hard not to sound winded when I answer. How can she do this and talk at the same time? Amazing! It's taking almost all of my brain power to 1. Breathe, 2. Lift my painful legs with each step & 3. Not trip and fall which is the most likely to happen out of all three. She's very cheerful & practically skips away to her house when we come up to it. Impressive.

I pass another runner with headphones on. She's very fit, skinny, toned & running like this is as easy as a casual walk through the park. I can't help but stare in disbelief and make a little pledge to myself that I will be her in one year. That makes me smile a little bit as I come up to the corner where my house is. I walk slower, cool down and stretch out. My legs still feel just as sore and stiff as when I started. I really want to go back to running every 3 houses tomorrow so hopefully I helped and didn't make things worse for myself. I hate the days where I feel like I moved backwards instead of forward.

Day 2 of Training

No, I'm not going to write EVERYDAY!

Day 2: I expected to wake up sore, I expected to wake up tired, I expected to want to bag the whole thing. I was prepared for all that but I didn't really feel any of that. I am a little bit sore where my legs connect into my hips but hey... not so bad! I wasn't as perky this morning... I'll admit that. I put some exercise clothes on and set out the door with a new determination to master this.

I stretched out, not caring what I looked like to my neighbor today. Although... I'll admit I did try to keep my behind faced towards my house. I set a stopwatch on my iPhone and headed out walking on my street.

I had a new goal today. An idea that my Mom got somewhere. I will walk past 2 houses then run past the 3rd and repeat. It felt a lot easier to me today than what I was trying to do yesterday. I'm going to continue this until Saturday, take Sunday off and then on Monday I'll "up it" to run past 2, walk past 2. I'm going to keep adding a house to run past every week until I'm finally running the whole thing.

I did my walking warm up a little longer today and I think that helped. About 1/4 of the way I got this really bad pain between my shoulder blades. I think I just slept on it weird or something last night though because when I stretched it out it subsided and by the time I was done with my 1.8 miles it was gone.

I have a lot of my neighbors out walking or running at the same time I am and I felt weird because I would be walking and just as I would come up to them it would be the house that I was supposed to run past. I hope they don't think I was just trying to run past them or something. Kind of weird.

My time today was a 14 1/2 minute mile. Better than yesterday! I think I'll only time myself at the end of each week though. I think it can be a good way for me to monitor my improvement but if I do it everyday I might get impatient with myself.

Small and simple steps. Slowly but surely I'm getting there!

Day 1 of Training

I have never been the athletic type. I was in ballet as a girl and unless you count tap dancing in the high school musical as athletic... I would say that I'm pretty much as non-athletic as they come.

I've always kind of been fascinated with running. I've never really done it myself, as close as it came was walking a couple of miles a day with my Mom on one of her "let's all get healthy" sprees as a teenager. In elementary school when we would run I would get a stitch in my side that I've since found out came from breathing wrong. So I guess you could say that I've had zero real experience with running.

For the last year and a half or so I've been on my own little "let's get healthy" spree, hopefully one that will last my lifetime. I've heard many people talk about their running experiences and words such as "freeing", "stress relieving" and "exhilarating" have come from the mouths of my friends as well as "totally tones your body" or "the fat just melts right off". These are all things that appeal to me and for some crazy reason... I've decided to do it.

I heard about the Ogden Marathon and that's what I decided to train for. 26 miles might seem like a big jump but I've always been one that... well... if I'm going to do something than I'm going to REALLY do it. I want to say that I really accomplished something. My Mom also told me about the Disneyland Half Marathon and I figure... what a better excuse to take the family to Disneyland! While all of this is going through my mind I had a friend on Facebook talk about putting together a team for a wasatch back relay race. I told her to sign me up! I'm going to do this! After all, I have almost a YEAR to train! No problem!

I borrowed a book from my Mom called "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer". That's me! The non-runner! This would be perfect. I also "chatted" with an old friend on Facebook that said to sprint until you think you might die then walk until you catch your breathe, then do it over. Hmpf! Sounds easy enough!

Day 1 of training:
I started out by getting my cute little exercise outfit and shoes on. Wow! I feel so athletic already! I do some little punches into the air at the mirror. Yep, I'm a strong, independent, beautiful, fit woman. I can do this! I nearly trip on my way down the stairs to the front door and step outside. I take a deep breathe and feel the cool air fill my lungs. What a beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky, the sun is out and there's a nice breeze. Normal people aren't awake yet and that makes me feel a little bit better that I won't have an audience for my first attempt. Just in case though, I suck in my stomach so I look a little thinner than I am, and I start to stretch out. The stretches I'm doing are amazing! Only a true ballerina could be this flexible. I hope my neighbor across the street is seeing this right now. I'm sure she'll be talking about it to me later. I have a huge grin on my face as I start walking down my driveway, head held high, stomach sucked in and standing pretty tall.

I get to the end of my street and think that I might as well just get started on my sprint already. This is great! So exhilarating! I see why people love this! It's almost like being on a Harley. I feel a rush of adrenaline, I feel the wind blowing my hair back off my neck, I feel the pounding of my heart almost in time with my feet moving across the pavement, I feel... I feel... burning... in my lungs, I feel like I can't breathe. I have a strong determination to make it to the end of the street. Just make it to the corner. When did this street get so long?! The cool air is stinging as I breathe it in. "Breathe through a straw, breathe through a straw" I keep reminding myself. I don't want to feel that stitch in my side like when I was a kid. I need to breathe correctly. After what seemed like an eternity I reached the corner and started walking.

The walking is actually more like a gasping for air, barely shuffling my feet forward, hunched over kind of a walk. Oh! Here comes a car! It takes all my strength to pull myself up straight and smile! OK, Maybe I need to start off a little slower. I'll try to fast-walk it.

I just realized that I had no idea where I was going. Maybe if I went around our huge block it would be about a mile. I think so. I'm coming up on a dead end street and I decide to walk in, around and out of every little dead end or cul-de-sac I come up to. For sure with all that I'll reach a mile. I know my face is red, I'm still trying to catch my breathe from my first attempt to run and now I'm heading uphill on a long road. I feel different muscles working now. Surprisingly the only part that's feeling over-used (besides my lungs) is where my legs hook into my hips. I must not get that part stretched out as much on my elliptical.

I round the corner onto a busier street and I make a mental note to go the opposite way next time so I can see the cars that are coming at me. I think this block is actually more like 3 miles or something. Will this ever end? I think I may have been out here for... at least an hour already! More neighbors walking by. Stomach is NOT sucked in, I'm trying to keep a steady breathe and I don't even attempt a smile but I do lift my hand for a half wave.

I'm almost to the corner to turn to my house. Four houses left, three... I don't want to end it like this! I start to run, just to the end of the corner. At least then if my neighbor across the street was watching me then she would have seen me start off and ending by running. The burn immediately comes back with my breathing. I walk up my driveway, to my porch trying to cool down. It takes all of my will power to not collapse on my porch. I envision myself laying face down kissing the pavement.

I start to stretch everything out. My stretches now resemble something more like a really worn out, old and fat ballerina. I bend over trying to stretch the back of my legs. I wonder if my butt looks smaller? Probably not, I better put the behind towards my house so my neighbors don't see.

I walk in the house and immediately find a clock. Thirty minutes had passed. Thirty minutes? That's all? Well... with three miles or whatever though.... hhhmmm. I get in my car and reset the "trip mileage" to zero. I drive the course that I just did and finally get back to my house. 1.8 miles. 1.8 miles? What? Only 1.8 miles in thirty minutes? I quickly do the math and realize that's not even a fifteen minute mile!

I sit on my steps and recap in my mind what I had just been through. Ever the optimistic one I tell myself that I will not quit. I haven't ran in years, I've never been good at this but this is something that I will master. I will keep doing this. I will accomplish what I have set out to do. If I can do this, I can do anything. I am in control of my own body and it's just going to take time to train my body to do what I want it to.

I walk back up the stairs. My legs are wobbling like jello. Time for a shower. I'm worn out, tired and thirsty. That's good right? Doing it all again tomorrow... maybe minus the overly giddy attitude while starting though.