Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 2 of Training

No, I'm not going to write EVERYDAY!

Day 2: I expected to wake up sore, I expected to wake up tired, I expected to want to bag the whole thing. I was prepared for all that but I didn't really feel any of that. I am a little bit sore where my legs connect into my hips but hey... not so bad! I wasn't as perky this morning... I'll admit that. I put some exercise clothes on and set out the door with a new determination to master this.

I stretched out, not caring what I looked like to my neighbor today. Although... I'll admit I did try to keep my behind faced towards my house. I set a stopwatch on my iPhone and headed out walking on my street.

I had a new goal today. An idea that my Mom got somewhere. I will walk past 2 houses then run past the 3rd and repeat. It felt a lot easier to me today than what I was trying to do yesterday. I'm going to continue this until Saturday, take Sunday off and then on Monday I'll "up it" to run past 2, walk past 2. I'm going to keep adding a house to run past every week until I'm finally running the whole thing.

I did my walking warm up a little longer today and I think that helped. About 1/4 of the way I got this really bad pain between my shoulder blades. I think I just slept on it weird or something last night though because when I stretched it out it subsided and by the time I was done with my 1.8 miles it was gone.

I have a lot of my neighbors out walking or running at the same time I am and I felt weird because I would be walking and just as I would come up to them it would be the house that I was supposed to run past. I hope they don't think I was just trying to run past them or something. Kind of weird.

My time today was a 14 1/2 minute mile. Better than yesterday! I think I'll only time myself at the end of each week though. I think it can be a good way for me to monitor my improvement but if I do it everyday I might get impatient with myself.

Small and simple steps. Slowly but surely I'm getting there!

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