Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 6 (My 2nd week)

I started walking 3 miles today. It takes me about 45 minutes, but still, at least I'm working on it. I'm getting pretty impatient with my "training schedule" and want it to go faster but I know this part is important. I'm trying very hard to not rush it.

All together it was a pretty normal day today. I didn't get almost ran over by a car or attacked by killer insects or crazy ducks so that was good. I'm pretty excited about going the 3 miles. I can't remember that I've ever walked that far before. The first words out of my mouth to my Husband this morning were "I just walked three miles today!". He could tell I was excited and he's trying really hard to be supportive.

I went to Striders and bought some saucony running shoes and a belt thingy to put my iPhone into. It will be nice to listen to music while I run. I just need to find the time to create the right playlist now. I'm a Mom of 4 kids so it might be a while until I get my playlist done.

In my training schedule it says that I should be training 4 days a week. I want to do it everyday at least for sure while I'm just working up to running 30 minutes at a time. Is that bad to do it everyday? My muscles don't hurt anymore so that's not an issue and I thought it could just help while I'm building up my endurance and cardio stuff. Is there a reason during this part of it for resting inbetween?

1 comment:

  1. I think the four days is an 'at least' kind of thing - otherwise, it's not doing you any good.
