Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 4 of Training

I hate it when I try to do something and then someone says... "No, no, no... You're doing it all wrong!". The upside to it though is that you always learn something and you can either follow it or do whatever the heck you want to anyway!

That's what happened to me last night. My Mom let me borrow a book called "Non-Runners Guide to Running a Marathon" and I was excited about it, I skimmed through the first few pages of it and noticed a chart. The chart started out at running 3 miles your first day. Well... I closed the book and thought... I guess I need to build up to running 3 miles a day. Hhhmmm... I had ideas, suggestions and I started.

Well, I decided to actually read the book last night (the first few chapters anyway) and it's almost as if a voice came down from the Heavens striking me with knowledge and inspiration! Holy Crow! It tells me how to build up to 3 miles a day! I'm counting this week (although there were some meager attempts at running) as walking fast for one week for 30 minutes. Next week I'll do walking fast for 45 minutes and the week after that I start alternating running for 5 minutes then walking for 5 minutes.

There are definitely some things I've learned over the last few days.

1. I need new shoes and the general consensus is that Strider's in Layton is the best place for them.

2. Never skim through a book. Always read at least the first 3 chapters before closing it up.

3. Stay a safe distance away from wild looking bushes, especially when you hear odd noises coming from it. (I got attacked by some fierce, flying grasshopper! I almost tripped and fell trying to swat it away.)

4. It's better to be able to see the traffic coming at you. I almost got hit today by a lady that was texting or dialing while driving. I thought it was good that I could jump out of her way. Whew!

5. You can't do this while sucking in your stomach, trying to breathe and smiling all at the same time. It just doesn't work.

6. Ducks can waddle pretty darn fast! No lie! My neighbor across the street has a pet duck and while I was walking past today it flew over her fence and started chasing me down the street! I had all these images of her recent tales of how the duck must be in heat or something and how it has started attacking people by nipping at their legs and feet! I thought I was walking pretty fast but Crackers (that's the ducks name) was right at my heels. That duck can waddle as fast as my "fast walk". Now that's just sad.

My main goal for next week... I'm going to be faster than the duck!

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