Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 9

I created my running playlist on my iPhone. It rocks! The ONLY problem is that, well... lets do a little history....

Growing up my family was very musical. We were always singing in the car at the top of our lungs, we were in the ward choir, we were always in the school choirs, we were in community theatre, My Mom, Sister & I sang together often in church and at other things. Singing seems like something natural that you do. Everyone should, right!?

K- SO... today I'm walking and one of my favorite songs comes on the playlist. I started mouthing the words but then the best part came on and I couldn't help it! I just started singing along while I'm walking. It was a whispered kind of singing... just note that I'm not fully belting out notes or anything... yet.

I'm walking down, in and around a dead end and there was no one there. The chorus of the song came on again and I know I was singing a little bit louder and what's worse... I kind of had my own choreography... going along with it. Just a little hip shaking and hand movement going on. Yeah... I felt pretty cool until I turned around and started walking back up the dead end and noticed that one of my neighbors had stepped outside. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he saw me. I just smiled huge and waved and kept walking. Hhhmmm.... I may be known as the "special girl" in our neighborhood from now on. Yep, I'm a dork. :)

New subject. I've been quickly walking 3 miles over the last week and today I decided to go ahead and try to run parts of it. Next week I'm supposed to do 5 minutes running, 5 minutes walking. Well... I started out walking and decided to give it a try. My original goal was to make it through one song on my playlist. About halfway through the song I thought I might die. I decided to do what my Facebook friend said and run as long as I can until I feel like I might die then walk until I catch my breathe. I'm going to do that until I can do five minutes and build up from there.

When I run, my body doesn't get tired, my muscles don't hurt but when I breathe... that's the part that I don't have control over, that's the part that burns, my lungs feel like they can't handle the amount of air that needs to come in and out. I don't know if that's normal or not. My body feels tense, which it probably should. My muscles are working hard but aren't super painful or anything. It's the breathing. Not sure how to help that get better.

The last 2 days I come home, cool down, stretch out and then a few minutes later I feel nauseated. I'm not sure why. I thought I needed more fluid but I'm drinking water before and a lot slowly after. I'm drinking between 60-90 ounces a day. I'm eating a little bit of protein when I get done too. I don't usually eat breakfast though until after I take a swim (to help stretch the muscles better). I thought maybe it was my blood sugar level or maybe I needed electrolytes so today I had a Gatorade after but I still got sick. If anyone has ideas I would really like to know them.

I know I'm naturally over-optimistic about things. I signed up for a 5K Race that takes place on August 22nd. I was pretty excited and was thinking that I might be able to run the whole thing by then, but, reality is starting to set in and I know I might end up walking a lot of it. That's OK though. It's my first race and I'm pretty excited about it. They allow people to walk the whole thing so I know I'll probably be in the middle somewhere. I've got walking down pat! hahaha

1 comment:

  1. Julie, I don't know you but I got your blog info from Natalie Hartley. My name is Carrie and I live in Meridian, Idaho. Natalie's parents are in my ward. I'm fairly new to running too and when I saw Natalie mention your blog about running, I wanted to check it out. I would love to share tips with you. I've been running for about 8 months now. I have never been a runner ever. I've hated running all my life. I've always been active and worked out regularly, but hated running. I couldn't do it! But I can honestly say that I now love running and can run 6 miles in just over an hour. I ran my first 10K in May. It takes time to build up to even running a mile without stopping. I would love to share more stuff with you, but wanted to get your email address. Mine is Don't email me at my google accout. I never check that. Contact me and I'll tell you how I did it. Also, get the book "Marathoning for Mortals" by John Bingham. I got it from the library. Read the whole thing as fast as you can. It is awesome and inspiring. It expalins why you need to take rest days too. You asked about that. Rest days are important. Anyways, I'd love to help you become the runner you always wanted to be. It's amazing!!
